Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Edoardo Dotto / on camouflage & mimicry as duplicity

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Recently I became acquainted with the writings of a professor of architecture, named Edoardo Dotto, at the University of Catania in Italy. I am especially drawn to his articles because they are cross-disciplinary. While his essays may originate with architecture and drawing, he reaches out in deliberate ways to adjacent concerns, such as art and vision, pictorial representation, camouflage, humor, and so on. 

I am particularly interested in two of his conference papers, both of which can be accessed online in English. They are “Drawing Hands: The themes of representation in Steinberg and Escher’s Images” (2017); and “Lying to the eye: the mimicry between art and science” (2022), which pertains to art and camouflage

edoardo dotto