Sunday, July 7, 2024

camouflaged autos are the latest bane of speed cops

disruptive shadows cast on jeeps
THAT AUTO HARD TO SEE? MAYBE IT’S CAMOUFLEUR’S WORK. The Toledo News-Bee (Toledo OH), October 19, 1917—


It sounds like a cuss word. But the motor patrolman who draws up alongside your auto, and calls you that [a camoufleur] is [being] polite, if sarcastic.

Camouflaged autos are the latest bane of the speed police.

The auto owner who covers his car with a yellow or neutral colored top, paints the body any one of a half dozen colors that blend with the road and sets the whole thing on wire wheels, invisible at a distance, is copying trench methods of making things “look like what they ain’t,” charge the road guardians.

So far no Toledo autoist has attempted to color his machine with patches of paint to represent trees and landscape, but many are trying colors that make for “low visibility” when approaching speed trappers.