Cover / Dazzle News Online
CAMOUFLAGED SKIRTS in Thames Star (New Zealand), Vol 52 No 13729, June 22, 1918, p. 4—
The latest concerning camouflage comes from "Lady Kitty," a Melbourne writer, who says:—The "camouflage" skirt! It is here. Oh! Oh! Oh! The cretonne skirt was bad enough; but the camouflage skirt is a sartorial disaster. There is not an article in the whole of one's wardrobe that could possibly "go" with the skirt. It made its first appearance in Sydney, where six and eight guineas are being asked—and given—for these camouflage skirts. They are of silk, but such silk! It is most suitably called "crazy." This demented silk starts at being a wonderful pattern in colors which absolutely pale the gorgeousness of all Eastern color magnificence, when suddenly, it is camouflaged with great patches of dullish background. Most weird! Camouflage, you know, is to make things appear other than what they really are—to disguise them, in fact, so that the crazy silk sets out to be a very striking fabric when it is suddenly camouflaged by broad strips of plain color which quite disguise its original identity, but really make it more striking still. Camouflage parties, at which people wear camouflaged fancy dress, have become quite a rage for fund-raising purposes; and if guests are ingenious enough the result is screamingly tunny. From start to finish nothing is what it seems. Even the host and hostess are represented by a couple of scarecrows, or a pair of tailors' dummies; and the supper table laden with what is apparently a delicious repast, is found to be but a faked delightfulness. Camouflage parties can be immensely entertaining when worked out by clever brains.
Dazzle Camouflage: What is it and how did it work? / Nature, Art, and Camouflage / Art, Women's Rights, and Camouflage / Embedded Figures, Art, and Camouflage / Art, Gestalt, and Camouflage / Optical science meets visual art / Disruption versus dazzle / Chicanery and conspicuousness / Under the big top at Sims' circus