Friday, March 1, 2024

YMCA canteener recalls french camouflage factory

Above Photograph by Mole and Thomas (Chicago) of 8,000 camp personnel at Camp Wheeler, Macon GA, arranged to form the symbol of the YMCA. The actual dimensions of the assembled group was 385 feet wide x 315 feet high.


Elizabeth Hart, YMCA Canteener on Active Duty with AEF in France, in a letter to her mother on December 14, 1918, as published in MISS HART CHAPARONES 12 SOLDIERS AT DINNER DANCE: St Louis Girl Canteening in France, Writes She Like Mother of a Large Family, and Her Sister, Clara, Said She Felt Like ‘Mrs. Ruggles.’ in the St Louis Star and Times, January 21, 1919, p. 11—

We first met Monsieur Chazat at Madame Gluntz’s dinner. He is the artist from the camouflage factory…

…Monsieur Chazat made three sketches in all. The men, three who happened to come into the kitchen, were delighted with them and he is coming back next Tuesday to do more. Clara and I made the cocoa as usual but did not serve it out to the Hut—however, I washed cups, opened cakes, mixed new cocoa in the studio-kitchen all afternoon, falling over the camouflage artist at intervals.

Monsieur Chazat went over to the mess with us. He seemed to enjoy it. When he makes our portraits, or rather does them, we shall send them to you. We are going down to the camouflage factory to see him some day soon. Of course, since November 11th the demand for camouflage is low, so the artist has plenty of times for guests. He seems to adore to come to camp—drank cocoa and smoked cigarettes as if he had never seen either before.