Donald Friend. Anne Gray, Ed. The Diaries of Donald Friend. Vol 1. National Library of Australia (Canberra), 2001—
One day the editor of the Sydney Morning Herald came to Peter Bellew with a tin helmet: the editor was an Air Raid Warden, and he wanted his helmet “camouflaged.” Could Bellew get one of his artist friends to do the job? Peter gave it to me to do. Of course the camouflage idea for a warden was sheer frivolity. I suppose the editor thought it would look prettier that way—or fashionable, or useful or something. I was delighted to do the job. I took it home and painted on it numbers of fat, white, vapid peace doves, flying around with olive branches in their beaks, and on the lower part of it, a frieze of little men in uniform take pot shots at the birds with cannon and rifles.