Above Watercolor painting by UK artist John Everett of the SS Sardinian (Allan Line) in 1918. The original is in the Beaverbrook Collection of War Art, Canadian War Museum (CWM 19710261-0141).
From the Daily Kennebuc Journal (Augusta ME), 10 July 1918, p. 8—
Webber, a sign writer, who for the past two and a half years has made
his home in this city, enlisted Tuesday at the local naval recruiting
station in the aviation section of the US Naval Reserves as a
camoufleur, and will take his final examination today at Portland. If he
is successful in the examination he will leave soon for Mineola, Long
Island, for a two-months course of training. Mr. Webber is the first
young man from this section if not from the entire state to enroll in
the naval reserves as a camouflage artist.