Tuesday, June 6, 2023

new camouflage method devised by french lieutenant

Above French camouflaged auto cannon (Peugeot 1915), c1916. Wikimedia Commons.


Below I have no idea what this cryptic news article is talking about. It sounds fascinating—if it were only true.

NEW CAMOUFLAGE INVENTED in Greensburg Daily Tribune (Greensburg IN), April 13, 1932—

PARIS (UP)—A French lieutenant who served through the World War [WWI] has just demonstrated the advantages of his new camouflage invention whereby in a short time, a pedestrian or soldier can be transformed into a shock of grain, heap of leaves, a bunch of newspapers, tree stump or what not while walking. His names is George [probably Georges] Félix, and his invention consists of a kind of net that weighs less than a pound, and when not used for camouflage purposes can be employed in numerous other ways.